贾力,福州大学博导。福州大学肿瘤转移的预警和预防研究所前任所长。福州大学能源与环境光催化国家重点实验室生物医药光催化课题组长。贾力博士1982年毕业于复旦大学药学院,获药学学士学位;1987年毕业于中国药科大学, 获药理学硕士学位,随后任南京军区福州总医院临床药理负责人至1989年底。1990年初-1993年11月在美国 纽约州立大学,师从诺贝尔奖获得者、著名药理学教授Robert Furchgott博士获得药理学博士学位后,到杜克大学(Duke)医学中心从事博士后研究。并先后在加利福尼亚州立大学圣地亚哥医学院,和La Jolla Pharmaceuticals任高级研究员。2000-2002年,他在美国德州圣安东尼奥药物开发研究所/ 癌症治疗和研究中心担任副主任和Associate Member (相当副教授);2002-2012年4月担任美国国立卫生研究院国家癌症研究所(NIH/NCI)的高级项目主管(级别GS14/step9)和高级药理研究员,负责新药研发(主要是抗癌药),指导药理毒理工作,和参与新药申报。2011年底,贾力博士在福州大学创立了全球独具特色的“肿瘤转移的预警和预防中心(http://cmapc.fzu.edu.cn)”。本中心的使命是,研发各种能可靠预警和有效干预原发性肿瘤在手术后再转移的技术和产品,从而解除人类对肿瘤转移的恐惧, 和大规模地降低人类因肿瘤转移造成的死亡。
贾力博士先、后兼任美国药学会(American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, AAPS)药物设计和开发专业委员会(DDDI)副主席、当选主席、主席、顾问主席、项目协调员、和研究奖评审员。他是福建药理学会理事。他还受邀为南非国家医学研究政务院研究基金的评审员、江苏省和福建省“创新创业人才”综合评审员、教育部博士学科点专项科研基金评审员、国家自然科学基金函评和会评审员、江西省科技厅评审员、科技部创新人才推进计划评审员、参与中国工程院与国家自然科学基金委联合开展的《中国工程科技2035发展战略研究》的咨询工作。
他参与过美国国立卫生研究院(NIH/ NCI)的12项新药申报,领导或参与过35项新药开发项目,获得和主持过17项新药研究课题。他设计、主持和主讲过50次国际药学学术会议。2008年至今,为中国科学院纳米材料和纳米安全生物效应重点实验室客座教授。先后在加利福尼亚州立大学、圣地亚哥医学院和La Jolla Pharmaceuticals任高级研究员。2000-2002年担任美国德州圣安东尼奥药物开发研究所/癌症治疗和研究中心副主任和Associate Member。2008年至今,为中国科学院纳米材料和纳米安全生物效应重点实验室客座教授。除了为国际上39家专业期刊审稿外,他还受聘为以下12家专业期刊任副主编、或编委:
1.副主编, Current Drug Metabolism (2005-present);
2.编委, Current NanoSciences (2005-present);
3.编委, Therapeutic Delivery (2010-present);
4.编委, Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta (2010-present)
5.编委, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (OMICS Publishing Group; 2011-pesent)
6.编委, International J. Tumor Therapy; Scientific & Academic Publishing (2011-Present)
7.副主编, Drug Metabolism Letter (2007-present);
8.编委, Current Bioactive Compounds (2007-present);
9.编委, The Open Drug Metabolism Journal (2008-present);
10.编委, The Open Drug Delivery Journal (2008-present)
11.特邀编委,药物分析杂志 (2013年--)
贾力博士在Nature、Science、 PNAS、 Blood、 Nano Today、 Drug Discovery Today、Trends Pharm. Sci., Trends Biotech.等国际核心期刊发表过>130余篇具有重要创见的论文。贾力博士常负责第一作者、通讯作者或主要作者的工作。他的研究领域涵盖抗肿瘤药、抗结核/AIDS药、心血管药、一氧化氮(NO)生物学、药物的药理药代(ADME)和毒理、药物蛋白组学(pharmacoproteomics)、中草药、药化特性、药物分析、纳米药物、以及新药申报政策等。2008年11月,他受到媒体 “药学技术” (Pharmaceutical Technology)就生物纳米技术的採访。
·2004年, 获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)颁发的NIH荣誉奖;
·2014年荣获“福州市荣誉市民” 称号。 福州市第十四届人大常委会第十七次会议审议通过,以表彰其”在促进福州市经济社会发展和扩大对外交流合作等方面作出的突出贡献”。
1.Presentation entitled “Discovery of nitric oxide/ EDRF and its pharmacological effects” in East Hospital, Fuzhou,China, June, 1997.
2.Invited speaker, “S-nitrosylation and related drug discovery and development”, Nov. 1997, in Shenyang PHARON Health Products Co. LTD.
3.Invited speaker, presentation title “L-Arginine increases GFR partially by nitric oxide independent mechanism via activity of agmatine”.1998 American Society of Nephrology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1998.
4.Invited speaker, presentation title “Nitric Oxide Research: From Hypothesis to Drug Development” State University of New York at Buffalo, Nov., 2001.
5.Speaker, presentation title “EDRF Activity, Anticancer Spectrum and Pharmacokinetics of JS-K” NCI-SAIC Frederick, MD. Oct. 18, 2002.
6.Invited speaker, presentation title “Nitric Oxide Research: From Hypothesis to Drug Development” Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA. Feb. 2002.
7.Speaker, presentation title ‘Stability of JS-K in Biomatrices’ at NCI-SAIC Frederick, MD. Oct. 16, 2003.
8.Speaker, presentation title ‘Public-private partnerships for development of 2nd generation of ethambutol analogs for tuberculosis treatment’. Sequella, Inc. Rockville, MD, Dec. 2, 2003.
9.Invited speaker, presentation title “Nitric Oxide Research: From Hypothesis to Drug Development” in Division of Applied Pharmacology Research, OTR/OPS/CDER/FDA, April, 2004.
10.Speaker, presentation title ‘Interspecies pharmacokinetics of SQ109 and its metabolism profile’ Sequella, Inc. Rockville, MD. Aug. 3, 2004.
11.Speaker, presentation title “In vitro and in vivo testing of JSK”. NCI-Frederick, MD 10/26/2006
12.Speaker, Moderator and Organizer, presentation title “GLP-Regulations and Inspections inUSAandChina: Differences, Similarities and Case Analysis” in the two-day conference “Pharmaceutical Outsourcing: Regulations, IP, Technology, Capabilities, and Partnership” Shanghai,China, April 2-4, 2007, co-sponsored by Fudan University (SPFDU) and AAPS.
13.Speaker, Moderator and Organizer, presentation title “New Drug Applications inUSAandChina: Acceptability, Data Requirements and Benefit/Risk Analyses” in the two-day conference “Pharmaceutical Outsourcing: Regulations, IP, Technology, Capabilities, and Partnership” Shanghai,China, April 2-4, 2007. I designed topics and agenda, invited prominent experts for presentations.
14.Moderator and Organizer of the symposium entitled “Exploratory IND (phase 0 trial) and its practices” at the 2007 annual National Biotechnology Conference. San Diego, CA June, 26. 2007. I designed topics and agenda, invited leaders from the FDA, NIH, and Pharmaceutics who drafted or implemented the Phase 0 trials for presentations.
15.Speaker, presented “Differences and similarities betweenUSAandChinain new drug application procedures and regulations”. Global R&D Congress, May 29-30, 2008, in Washington, DC,
16.Moderator: 2008 AAPS, November 19, 2008. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta,Georgia,USA. “Outsourcing Drug Product Development toIndiaandChina” (Roundtable).
17.Session Chair and Speaker, presented ‘Sino-USA collaboration: challenges and opportunities for advancing nanomedicine’, moderated a brainstorm panel session at The 1st Joint US-China Symposium on Nanobiology and NanoMedicine, Oct. 21-23, 2008; Fragrant Hill, Beijing, China;
18.Moderator and Speaker: “Celebrating the Nanotechnology R&D Act: Then, Now and the Future” (Symposium), 2008 AAPS, November, 20, 2008. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta,Georgia,USA.
19.Interviewed by Pharmaceutical Technology’s Live Vidcast, Nov. 18, 2008, on “Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutical Applications”. http://pharmtech.findpharma.com/pharmtech/cathome/catHome15.jsp?pid=1cMFmQS467AFBmTscDEbAdYP_ddYrr6Q
20.Speaker: “From Hypothesis to Discovery: Untold Stories about the 1998 Nobel Prize In Medicine─Maximize Your Research Achievements By Publications And Networking” to the School of Pharmacy, Fujian Medical University, April 2, 2009.
21.Invited Speaker: “From Hypothesis to Discovery: Untold Stories about the 1998 Nobel Prize In Medicine─Maximize Your Research Achievements By Publications And Networking” to the Nanobiological Center of Shanghai University, April 6, 2009.
22.Invited speaker: “Differences and similarities in GLP-regulations and inspections betweenUSAandChina”, presented at Medicilon, Inc. April, 7. 2009.
23.Invited Speaker: “Comparison of new drug application procedures and regulations betweenUSAandChina” at “China 2009 Pharmaceutical R&D Summit” 4th International Conference & Exhibition, April 7-9, 2009 • Grand Hyatt Hotel • Shanghai,China.
24.Invited Speaker: “From Hypothesis to Discovery: Untold Stories about the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine─Maximize Your Research Achievements by Publications and Networking” to the School of Pharmacy Fudan University, April 9, 2009.
25.Invited Speaker: “From Hypothesis to Discovery: Untold Stories about the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine─Maximize Your Research Achievements By Publications And Networking” to the China Pharmaceutical University, April 10, 2009.
26.Seminar entitled “The Four-decade War on Cancer: Are We Winning???” presented to South China Center for Innovative Pharmaceuticals, Nov. 18, 2009.
27.Speaker, presentation title “Anti-HIV drug development involved in ADME and nanotechnology”, and moderator at International Symposium of NanoMedicine on AIDS/HIV sponsored by Beijing University of Technology, the National Center for Nanosciences and Technology of China, AAPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Beijing, China; Nov.19-20, 2009.
28.“Why we are not winning the war on cancer and how to lead the war to win: my view, my dreams and my strategies” presented at Graduate School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Nov. 20. 2009.
29.Invited Speaker, “Contemporary understanding of the Millennium Phytomedicine― Ginseng” in Symposium: The Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical Studies (ACES) in Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, MD, on Saturday 26 June 2010.
30.Invited Speaker, “The four-decade war on cancer: are we winning?” in Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 10/25/2010, afternoon
31.Invited Speaker, “The four-decade war on cancer: are we winning?” in Symposium 6: Advances of Drug Discover against cancers, The 8th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology. 10/26/2010, 9:45-10:10 am
32.Invited Speaker, “Current understanding of cancer metastasis requires changes in strategies of anticancer drug development”, in symposium 5 of annual Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Conference; Beijing, China, 11/7/2010, 9:15-9:35 am
33.Symposium: “Re-Engineering Nanomaterials with Biomolecules: Strategies, In Vivo Stability and Specificity, and Drugability", as both the moderator and speaker for the 2011 National Biotechnology Conference, Wednesday, May 18, 2011, from 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm, at the Hilton San Francisco, CA.
34.Invited Speaker, “From understanding the complex of cancer metastasis to designing cancer nanomedicine: what nanomedicines can and can’t succeed” and moderator of Nano-pharmaceutics Session at the International conference of 2011 China Nano, at the National Convention Center, Beijing. Sept.7-9, 2011.
35.Designed and Chaired the Hot topic: “The heating-up of pharmaceutical globalization: current mergers and acquisitions by Chinese Pharma in the USA and basic knowledge of laws about drug importation to China”. October 24, 2011 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC. USA (attendees 500)
36.Session Chair, Symposium: “Global Competition and Geopolitical Priorities for Bionanotechnology R&D”. 9:00-11:00 am, Oct 25, 2011. Convention Center, Washington DC, USA. The 2011 AAPS.
37.Speaker, Jia: “The market and contemporary understanding of the millennium phytomedicine-ginseng” and Session Chair “Evaluating Drug Development Opportunities in Botanical Polymolecular Therapeutics”. Time: Wed. 8:30-11:00 am, 10/26/2011; Place: Washington DC convention CTR.
38.Speaker, Jia: “Overview of Global Development of Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer and China’s First Generation of Photosensitizer ZnPcS2P2” and co-Chaired the session “Nanobiotechnology” with Dr. Chen Wang, Director, National CTR for Nanoscience & Technology; 19:20-22:00, Oct. 31, 2011. 17th International Biophysics Congress, Beijing.
39.Invited speaker “Contemporary understanding of the nutraceutical ginseng: its anti-diabetic and cancer preventive effects and possible interaction with Warfarin”, and Session Chair “2012 International Conference on Ginseng”, Jilin, Chair; Sept. 4-7, 2012. (260 Attendees)
40.Invited speaker “The 40-year war on cancer: are we winning or Losing, and our strategies” at Fujian Pharmacological Society Conference (150 attendees), Fuzhou, Nov. 17th, 2012. 福建药理学会报告和会议主持.
41.Invited speaker “Re-engineering PAMAM dendrimer for its multivalent binding to colon cancer cells HT29” 第449次北京香山科学会议、即第3次中美癌症纳米技术和纳米医学研讨会(2012年12月5-7日)
42.Invited speaker “Restrain activity of circulating tumor cells: the new strategy for preventing cancer from metastasis” at the China-US translational medicine international forum (250 attendees), 中国科协15届年会;Guiyan medical university, May 25, 2013.
43.Invited speaker “The new strategy to prevent cancer from metastasis: restrain circulating tumor cells” at the 2013 AAPS@ China Symposium, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 17-18, 2013.
44.Invited speaker and organizer “From endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) to intervention of adhesion-invasion of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) to endothelium: a new horizon in biomedical nitric oxide research” at the 2014 International Nitric Oxide Conference, Shanghai Jiaotong University. July 5-6th, 2014.
45.Invited speaker and Section Chair: “Enhanced sensitivity and specificity of capturing and restraining circulating tumour cells in blood with dual antibody-coated nanomaterials” China Nanobiomedicine conference, Chenddu, 2014-11-05Chinananobiology and nanomedicine conference (全国纳米生物与医学学术会议-成都)
46.Invited speaker and Section Chair: “Nitric oxide prevents cancer metastasis by interrupting adhesion-invasion of circulating tumor cells to endothelium” in the 8th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine cum The 2nd International Chinese Symposium on Free Radical Research & The 6th Symposium for Three Districts of Cross-straits on Free Radical Research; University of Hong Kong, November 14-16, 2014.
47.Invited speaker “From endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) to intervention of adhesion-invasion of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) to endothelium: a new horizon in biomedical nitric oxide research” Chinese Pharm. University. Nov. 17, 2014.
48.Invited speaker: “Nitric oxide prevents cancer metastasis by interrupting adhesion-invasion of circulating tumor cells to endothelium” Fujian Chinese Medicine University. Nov. 20, 2014.
49.Invited speaker: “From Imitation to Innovation: the Ten-year Chinese Bionanotechnology Development” China Nanomedicine Conference, Hangzhou, April 7-9, 2015
50.Invited speaker: “The unique bionanotechnology conception focuses on cancer pre-metastatic prevention for tens of millions of survivorship" Nature Nanotechnology Forum at Fudan University, May 25th, 2015.
51.Invited speaker: “Separation, detection, capture and restraining of circulating tumor cells for cancer metastasis prevention for the increasing cancer survivors”BD Shanghai July 2015
52.Invited speaker: “Bionanotechnology used for capturing and restraining circulating tumor cells: eliminating the suffering and death from cancer metastasis” Haiyan Dong, Yusheng Lu, Jianguo Xu, Ning Zheng, Jian Liu, Lee Jia. ChinaNano 2015 meeting; Sept. 3-5, Beijing
53.Invited speaker: “Development of theranostical nanomedicine to specifically target circulating tumor cells (CTCs)” Jianguo Xu, Haiyan Dong, Yusheng Lu, Ning Zheng, Jian Liu, Lee Jia* 2015年中华放射学会年会,哈尔滨,9月17-20日“精准与可视化”专题
54.Invited speaker: “避孕药美她司酮用于二性预防肿瘤手术后的再转移:研究背景、现状、及其药代动力学的性别特征”. 中国药理学会全国药代动力学会议;济南,2015-10-10/12.分会场主持。
55.Invited speaker: “Novel strategy: shifting from traditional anticancer drugs and nanomedicines to circulating-tumor-cell-based metastasis chemoprevention (创新研发战略:从传统的抗癌药和纳米药物向基于循环肿瘤细胞的肿瘤转移的化学预防转变”。中科院苏州纳米研究所,2015年10月13日
1.Pyrrolobenzodiazepine (SJG-136), Preclinical pharmacology summary prepared by Jia. (Date filed: July 14, 2004; FDA IND# 70218; FDA approved August 13, 2004)
2.Pre-IND packages and meetings with FDA and Sponsors: LIV-1, a novel drug delivery system to deliver 5-FU to hepatocytes and hepatoma cells to treat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Cell-Works, Inc. Feb, 2003.
3.R(-)Gossypol (AT-101), FDA IND# 68255: Pharmacology Summary prepared partially by Jia; Sponsor: Ascenta Therapeutics, 2005.
4.SQ109, FDA IND# 69597: Pharmacology Summary prepared by Jia; Sponsor: Sequella, Inc. Filed in Sept. 2006.
5.MV-NIS virus, a live tissue culture adapted measles virus selectively targeting human myeloma cells. FDA IND# 13023. May 3rd, 2006.
6.Batracylin (NSC 320846): Pharmacology and Toxicology Summary prepared by Jia for IND filing; IND# 76254; Sponsor: National Cancer Institute. Completed in March, 2006.
7.1-methyl-[D]-tryptophan (NSC721782; IND#78060): Pharmacology and Toxicology Summary prepared by Jia for IND filing; Sponsors: NCI and NewLink Co. Completed Aug., 2006. IND meeting: July 19, 2007.
8.P-28 peptide (IND# 77754) Pre-IND meeting with FDA July, 12, 2007; IND submitted July 8, 2008.
9.Development of allopregnanolone in Neiman-Pick type C disease (NP-C) PIND-74900 for treatment of inherited mitochondrial respiratory chain diseases; Pre-IND on Oct 17, 2006; White oak, Building 22/FDA; Sponsor: Edison Pharm.
10.Pre-IND meeting with FDA for single chain urokinase plasminogen activator (ScuPA) (PIND 106014) development; Oct. 27, 2009.
11.Pre-IND meeting with FDA for SPINALON designed to prevent or reverse chronic immobility-related health problems typically found in spinal cord-injured patients; Jan. 14, 2010.
12.Pre-IND meeting with FDA for development of PEG-hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) for AfterShock treatment; Feb., 23, 2010, at FDA Woodmont Office Building, Rockville, MD.
1.Jia, L.: Method of synthesis of S-nitrosocaptopril crystals and the use thereof (issued as both the inventor and owner: CO7D207/16).
2.Jia, L: Method and compounds that prevent circulating tumor cells from adhesion and extravasations to distant organs (filed as the inventor and owner: file # 201110338508.9)
3.Jia, L.: Medicinal combination that prevent cancer metastasis after surgical removal of primary tumors (filed as the inventor and owner: file # 201210379714.9) Jia, L.: Method of synthesis of S-nitrosocaptopril crystals and the use thereof (issued as both the inventor and owner: CO7D207/16).
4.陈海军,贾力(Lee Jia),刘剑,俞雪梅, 陈晓云,黄惠龄、王继闯,高瑜。一种合成美她司酮的方法专利授权号(patent issued#:ZL 2013 1 0510394.0. (Method of synthesis metapristone;
5.江舟,杨纪娜, 庞雅琼, 王建, 贾力(Lee Jia). “一种九里香香豆素及其提取方法”中国专利申请号(patent file#:201510003203.0; Method of extracting coumarins from Murraya exotica).
6.贾力(Lee Jia),卢余盛,于婷,梁海燕。斯诺普利在制备预防肿瘤转移或肿瘤治疗药物中的应用。专利申请号(patent file#:201410609416.3; Method of using S-nitrosocaptopril for cancer metastasis prevention or cancer treatment)
7.贾力(Lee Jia)、谢静静、陈红宁; 专利名称:识别、捕获和抑制循环肿瘤细胞的功能纳米材料载药系统;专利申请号(patent file#:201410639414.9; Functionalized nanomaterial carrier for recognizing, capturing and inhibiting circulating tumor cells)
8.江舟,庞雅琼,周素霞,王建,贾力(Lee Jia); 专利名称:六甲氧基二氢黄酮-鼠李糖基-鼠李糖苷在肿瘤转移预防中的应用(patent file#:201510596604.1)
Courses taught:
lAnnual Graduate Teaching Course (IBS708- Modern Drug Design and Development) given to Summer Semester at University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL., USA, every year. “Basic Knowledge about Investigational New Drug (IND) Application: Processes, Data Integration and Package Preparations” (2008-2010)
lAnnual Graduate Teaching Course: Interdisciplinary knowledge and skills on new drug research and development (2012-present)
lAnnual Graduate Teaching Course: Pharmacokinetics (2012-present)
Mentoring: MS/ PhD Graduates mentored: 20
1. Jia, L*. Chemistry, pharmacology, toxicity and clinical uses of Tripterygium Wilfordii. J. Chinese Pharmaceutical 20: 101-106, 1985
2. Jia, L*. Studies on physicochemical stability of triptolide injection. J. Chinese Pharmaceutical 20: 629, 1985.
3 Jia, L* Probit analysis of LD50 of triptolide and its cytotoxicity. Chinese J. Pharmacol Toxical. 1: 78-80, 1986.
4. Jia, L* Studies on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Prog. Physiol. Sci. 6:229-234, 1985.
5. Jia, L* Hoe, D. H.: Negative chronotropic effects of meglumine cyclic adenylate on cardiac pacemaker in vitro and in vivo. Acta Pharmacol Sin 9: 421-426, 1988.
6.Jia, L*, Hoe, D. H.: Antiarrhythmic effects of meglumine cyclic adenylate. Chinese J. Pharmacol. Toxical. 3: 251-255,1989.
7. Jia, L*, Hoe, DH. Effects of meglumine cyclic adenylate on contractility, oxygen consumption and excitability of Langendorff heart and cardiac cells. Chinese J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2:16-19,1988.
8. Jia, L*. Hoe, DH. Effects of meglumine cyclic adenylate on drug-induced positive chronotropic action in rabbit right atria. Chinese J. Pharmacol Toxicol. 2: 235-238, 1988.
9 Jia, L.: Adenosine Receptors and adenosine pharmacology. Chinese Pharmacol. Bull. 5: 129-133, 1989.
11. Jia, L and Furchgott RF. Inhibition by sulfhydryl compounds of vascular relaxation induced by nitric oxide and endothelium-derived relaxing factor J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 267:371-378, 1993
12. Jia, L* Liu, X., Furchgott RF. Blockade of nitric oxide-induced relaxation of rabbit aorta by cysteine and homocysteine. Acta. Pharmacol. Sin. 18(1):11-20, 1997.
13. Jia L, Bonaventura, C., Bonaventura, J. and Stamler, J. S.: S-nitrosohemoglobin: a dynamic activity of blood involved in vascular control. Nature 380: 221-226, 1996
14. Simon, D.I., Mullins, M.E., Jia, L., Gaston, B., Singel, D. J., Stamler, J.S.: Polynitrosylated Proteins: Characterization, bioactivity and functional consequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93: 4736-4741, 1996.
15. Day, B J, Jia L, Arnelle DR, Crapo, JD, and Stamler, JS.: Transduction of NOS activity from endothelium to vascular smooth muscle: involvement of S-nitrosothiols In Biology of NO, ed. by Moncada, Stamler, Gross and Higgs, pp. 202-4 Portland Press, London, 1996.
16. Jia, L* Clinical trials and therapeutic implications of nitric oxide and its donors. Pharmaceutical Commun Sin. (Review). 13: (3) 204-206, 1997,
17. Stamler, J.S., Jia, L., Eu, J.P., McMahon, T.J., Demchenko, I.T., Bonaventura, J., Piantadosi,C.A.: Blood flow regulation by S-nitrosohemoglobin in the physiological oxygen gradient. Science. 276: 2034-2037, 1997.
18. Lin, M, Yang X, Wang, J., Jia, B.J., Jia,*L. Inhibitory effects of S-nitrosocaptopril on vasomotor tone. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 1998, 19 (5): 485-488.
19. Jia, L* and Stamler, J. S.: Dual actions of S-nitrosylated derivative of vasoactive intestinal peptide as a vasoactive intestinal peptide-like mediator and a nitric oxide carrier. Eur. J. Pharmacol 1999, 366: 79-96.
20. Lin, M, Yang X, Wang, J., Jia, B.J., Jia,*L. S-nitrosocaptopril preferentially decreases diastolic pressure in hypertensive models. Chinese Pharm. Bulletin 1999, 15(1) 73-76.
21. Jia,L*., Blantz, RC. The effects of S-nitrosocaptopril on renal filtration and blood pressure in rats Eur J. Pharmacol. 1998, 354: 33-41.
22. Jia, L*. Young, X, Guo, W: Physicochemistry, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of S-nitrosocaptopril crystals, a new nitric oxide donor J. Pharm. Sci. 1999, 88: 981-986.
23 Jia, L* A design of a novel compound S-nitrosocaptopril possessing the capacities of both angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and nitric oxide donors. Prog. Physiol. Sci. 1999, 29: 12-15.
24. Jia, L* Nitric oxide research and new drugs: Challenges and success. Commentary on the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Science (in Chinese) 1999, 51(2): 49-52.
25. Lin, M., Jia, L*. International principles of nomenclature and abbreviations of nitric oxide research. Prog. Physiol. Sci. 1999, 30(4): 376-78.
26. Jia, L*, Yu, L. Linnik, D.M., Jack, R.M. Stability and Pharmacokinetics of LJP 920, an octameric Gal (a1-3) Gal conjugate for the inhibition of xenotransplantation rejection. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 53: 999-1005, 2001.
27. Jia, L*. Wu, C. Young, X: Anti-angiogenetic effects of S-nitrosocaptopril crystals as a nitric oxide donor. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 391: 137-144, 2000.
28. Jia, L*. Pei, R. Lin, M. Young, X. Acute and subacute toxicity and efficacy of S-nitrosylated captopril, an ACE inhibitor possessing nitric oxide activities. Food & Chem. Toxicol. 39: 1135-1143, 2001.
29 Jia, L*. Garza, M. Wong, H. Camden, J. Redelmeier, T. Weitman, S. Pharmacokinetic comparison of intravenous carbendazim and remote loaded carbendazim liposomes in nude mice. J. Pharm. Biomed Anal. 28(1): 65-72, 2002.
30.Wong, H. Jia, L*. Camden, J. Weitman, S. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assay of a thiodiazole derivative in mice: application to pharmacokinetic studies. J. Chromatogr. 765:55-62, 2001.
31.Jia, L*. Wong, H. In vitro and in vivo assessment of cellular permeability and pharmacodynamics of S-nitrosylated captopril, a nitric oxide donor. Br. J. Pharmacol. 134: 1697-1704, 2001
32.Jia, L*. Wong, H. Cerna, C. Weitman, S. Effect of nanonization on absorption of 301029: Ex vivo and in vivo pharmacokinetic correlations determined by LC/MS. Pharm. Res. 19:1091-1096, 2002.
33.Jia, L*. Wong, H. Wang, Y. Garza, M. Weitman, S. Carbendazim: Disposition, cellular permeability, metabolite identification and pharmacokinetic comparison with its nanoparticle. J. Pharm. Sci. 92:161-172, 2003.
34.Jia, L*. Schweizer, J. Cerna, C. Wong, H. Revilla, M. Effect of Nitric Oxide on Cytotoxicity of Taxol: enhanced Taxol transcellular permeability. Biochem Pharmacol. 66:2193-2199, 2003.
35.Jia, L*. Tomaszewski, J.E., Noker, P.E., Gorman, G.S., Glaze, E., Protopopova,M. Simultaneous determination of pharmacokinetic properties of three anti-tubercular ethambutol analogs resulting from combinatorial lead optimization. J. Pharm. Biomed Anal. 37(2), 23-33, 2005.
36.Jia, L*. Tomaszewski,J., Hanrahan, C. Coward, L. Noker, P. Gorman, L. Nikonenko, B. Protopopova, M. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics of SQ109, a new diamine-based antitubercular drug. Br. J. Pharmacol. 144, 80-87, 2005.
37.Jia, L*. Coward, L. Gorman, L. Noker, P. Tomaszewski, J. Pharmacoproteomic effects of isoniazid, ethambutol, and N-Geranyl-N'-(2-adamantyl)ethane-1,2-diamine (SQ109) on Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 315, 905-911, 2005.
38.Saavedra, J.E., Srinivasan, A., Buzard, G.S., Davies, K.M., Waterhouse, D., Inami, K., Wilde, T.C., Citro, L.M., Cuellar, M., Deschamps, J.R., Parrish, D. Shami, P.J., Findlay, V.J. Jia, L., Ji, X., Keefer, L.K., PABA/NO as an anticancer lead: analogue synthesis, structure revision, solution chemistry, reactivity toward glutathione, and in vitro activity. J. Med. Chem. 49, 1157-1164, 2006.
39.Jia, L*. Global governmental investment in nanotechnologies. Curr. NanoScience (Review) 1:(3) 263-266, 2005.
40.Jia, L*. Nanoparticle formulation Increases oral bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs: experimental evidences, theory, and approaches. Curr. NanoScience (Review) 1:(3) 237-243, 2005.
41.Coward, L.C. Kerstner-Wood, Noker, P., Gorman, G., Pellecchia, M., Reed, J.C., Jia, L*. Quantitative determination of Apogossypol, a pro-apoptotic analog of gossypol, in mouse plasma using LC/MS/MS. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 42: 581-586, 2006.
42.Jia, L.*,Noker, P.E., Coward, L. Gorman, G. Protopopova, M., Tomaszewski, J.E. Interspecies pharmacokinetics and in vitro metabolism of SQ109 Br. J. Pharmacol.147(5):476-85, 2006.
43.Buhrow,S.A., Reid, J.M., Jia, L., Covey, J., Kobs, D.J., Grossi, I. M., Ames, M.M. LC/MS/MS assay and dog pharmacokinetics of the dimeric pyrrolobenzodiazepine SJG-136 (NSC 694501). J. Chromatogr. 2006; 840: 56-62.
44.Shami, PJ., Saavedra, J. E., Bonifant, C. L., Chu, J.; Udupi, V.; Malaviya, S.; Carr, B. I.; Kar, S.; Wang, M.; Jia, L.; Ji, X.; Keefer, L. K. Antitumor Activity of JS-K [O2-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl) 1-[(4-Ethoxycarbonyl)piperazin-1-yl]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate] and Related O2-Aryl Diazeniumdiolates in Vitro and in Vivo. J. Med. Chem. 2006; 49(14); 4356-4366.
45.Jia, L. Pharmaceutical Globalization: First International CRO/CMO Conference sponsored by the AAPS inChina. AAPS NewsMagazine 7(3): 67, 2007.
46.Jia, L*, Wang, Y., Zhu, YZ. Pharmaceutical globalization urges cooperation betweenChinaandUSAon GLP regulations. Chinese Medicine & Drugs Newspaper, March 22, 2007
47.Jia, L*., Zhu, Y., Wang, Y., Wu, W., Dong, Y.C., Zhang, R., Fu, L., Bi, H., Tam, J. Harmonising GLP rules in the US and China: The globalisation of the pharma industry means China and the US need bilateral agreements on GLP regulations. The Regulatory Affairs Journal 18(3):147-152, 2007.
48.Liu, X.D., Jia*, L.
The conduct of drug metabolism studies considered good practice (I): analytical systems and in vivo studies. Curr. Drug Metab. 8: 815-821, 2007.
49.Jia, L*., Liu, X.D. The conduct of drug metabolism studies considered good practice (II): in vitro experiments. Curr. Drug Metab. 8: 822-829, 2007.
50.Jia, L.*, Schweikart, K., Tomaszewski, J., Reed, J., Ames, M, Page, J., Noker, P., Munn, D. Toxicology and pharmacokinetics of 1-methyl-D-tryptophan: absence of toxicity due to saturating absorption.Food Chem. Toxicol. 46: 203-211, 2008.
51.Jia, L.* Coward, L.C. Kerstner-Wood, Gorman, G., Noker, Kitada S, Pellecchia M P., Reed, J.C., Comparison of pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiling among gossypol, apogossypol and apogossypol hexaacetate. Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacol. 61: 63-73, 2008.
52.Liu, H.Y., Liu, X.D., Jia, L., Liu, Y.C., Yang, H.W., Wang, G.J., Xie, L. Insulin therapy restores impaired function and expression of P-glycoprotein in blood–brain barrier of experimental diabetes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 75: 1649-1658, 2008.
53.Jia*, L., Noker, P.E., Piazza, G.A., Leuschner, C., Hansel, W., Gorman, G.S., Coward, L.U., Tomaszewski, J. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Phor21-βCG(ala), a lytic peptide conjugate. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 60:1441-48, 2008.
54.Liang, X.J., Chen, C.Y., Zhao, Y.L., Jia, L., Wang, P.C. Biopharmaceutics and Therapeutic Potential of Engineered Nanomaterials. Curr. Drug Metab. 9(8): 697-709, 2008.
55.Jia, L*. Drug discovery and development operations in emerging regions: global R&D congress. Thomson-Pharma, June, 2008 (invited conference proceedings)
56.Song, M., Wang, L., Hang, T., Wen, A., Yang, L., Jia, L. Rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for rasagiline: assay development, validation and application to a human pharmacokinetic study. J. Chromatogr. 875:515-521, 2008.
57.Jia, L. The Great Meeting Held in the Bitter Cold Economic Climate: 2008 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition. Thomson-Pharma, December, 2008 (invited conference proceedings)
58.Kitada, S., Kress, C.L., Krajewska, M., Jia, L., Pellecchia, M., Reed, J.C. Bcl-2 antagonist ApoGossypol (NSC736630) displays single-agent activity in Bcl-2 transgenic mice and has superior efficacy with less toxicity compared to Gossypol (NSC19048). Blood, 2008; 111: 3211 - 3219.
59.Zhang, TT., Song, M., Hang, HJ., Xu, XF., Wen, A.D.,Yang, L., Jia, L*. Pharmacokinetic profile of talipexole in healthy volunteers is not altered when it is co-administered with Madopar (co-beneldopa). J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. 33, 1-10, 2009.
60.Jia* L. Zhao, YQ. Current Evaluation of Ginseng (I): Etymology, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Market and Regulations. Curr. Med. Chem. 16: 2475-2484, 2009.
61.Jia*, L, Zhao, YQ. Liang, X.J. Current Evaluation of the Millennium Phytomedicine― Ginseng (II): Collected Chemical Entities, Modern Pharmacology, and Clinical Applications Emanated from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Curr. Med. Chem. 16: 2924-2942, 2009.
62.Ni. L., Yu, X.,Yu, Q.,Chen, X., Jia, L*. Effects of cyclosporine A and itraconazole on permeability, biliary excretion and pharmacokinetics of amlodipine. Drug Metab. Lett. 2(3): 163-168, 2008.
63.Meng, J., Wang, D.L., Wang, P.C., Jia, L., Chen, C., Liang, XJ. Biomedical Activities of Endohedral Metallofullerene Optimized for Nanopharmaceutics. J. NanoSci NanoTech., 10: 8610-7, 2010.
64.Jia*, L. Soldati, F. Ginseng, Asian (Panax ginseng); In Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements. Ed by Coates PM. 2nd edition, pp.352-366, 2010; Informa Healthcare, New York, London. (Invited review).
65.Jia* L, Gu Y., Zeng E, Linnik, MD, Jones, DS. Biostability, Tissue Distribution and Disposition of LJP 993, a Tetrameric Conjugate of Domain 1 of b2-glycoprotein I for antiphospholipid syndrome. Lupus. 19: 130-137, 2010.
66.Kiziltepe, T., Anderson, K.C., Kutok, J.L., Jia, L., Saavedra, J.E., Keefer, L.K., Shami, P.J. JS-K has potent anti-angiogenic activity in vitro and inhibits tumor angiogenesis in a multiple myeloma model in vivo. J. Pharm. Pharmacol 62: 145-151, 2010.
67.Liang, XJ., Meng, H., Wang, Y., He, H., Meng, J., Lu, J., Wang, P., Zhao, YL., Gao, X., Sun, B., Chen, CY., Xing, GM., Shen, DW., Yin, JJ., Gottesman M., Jia, L. Metallofullerene Nanoparticles Overcome Tumor Resistance to Cisplatin by Reactivating Endocytosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107: 7449-7454, 2010.
68.Tan, J.J., Cong, X.J., Hu, L.M., Wang, C.X., Jia, L, Liang, X.J. Therapeutic strategies underpinning the development of novel techniques for the treatment of HIV infection. Drug Discovery Today 15: 186-197; 2010.
69.Ma, X.W., Wang, D.L., Wu. Y., Ho, R.J.Y., Jia, L., Guo, P., Hu, L., Xing, G.M., Zeng, Y., Liang, X.J., AIDS Treatment with Novel Anti-HIV Compounds Improved by Nanotechnology. The AAPS Journal 12, 272-278, 2010.
70.Gorman, G., Coward, L., Kerstner-Wood, C., Noker, P., Beattie, C.W., *Jia, L. A novel and rapid LC/MS/MS assay for bioanalysis of Azurin p28 in serum and its pharmacokinetics in mice J. Pharm. BioMed. Anal. 53: 991-996, 2010.
71.Wang, YZ., Ma, XW., Ma, HL, Wang DL., Lu, J., Jia, L., Duan, XL., Liang, XJ. Specific hemosiderin deposition in spleen induced by a low dose of cisplatin: altered iron metabolism and its implication as an acute hemosiderin model. Curr. Drug Metabo. 11, 507-515, 2010.
72.Tang, W., Jia, L., Zhao, Y. The newly-found bioactivities and clinical uses of ginseng and ginsenosides. Ginseng Res. 22(2): 32-38, 2010.
73.Jia,*L. Qian K. An Evidence-based Perspective of Ginseng as a Preventing or Supplementary Therapy for Cancer Patients. In Evidence-based Anticancer Herbal Medicine., Ed., by W. Cho, Springer Science. 85-95, 2011.
74.Jia, L*, Zhao, YL, Liang, XJ. Fast Evolving Nanotechnology and Relevant Programs and Entities inChina. Nano Today 6: 6-11, 2011.
75.Reid, J.M., Buhrow, S.A., Kuffel, M.J., Jia, L. Spanswick, V.J., Thurston, D.E., Tomaszewski, J.E., Ames, M.M. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Metabolism of the Dimeric Pyrrolobenzodiazepine SJG-136 in Rats. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 68: 777-786, 2011.
76.Jia, L., Gorman, G., Coward, L., Noker, P., McCormick, D.L., Horn, H.L., Harder, J.B., Muzzio, M., Prabhakar, B., Balaji, G., Gupta, T.K.D., Beattie, C.W. Preclinical pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and toxicity of azurin-p28 (NSC745104) a peptide inhibitor of p53 ubiquitination Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 68: 513-24, 2011.
77.Xu Z., Jia L., Zhao, YQ. Ginseng etymology, pharmacognosy, and the evaluation of its current products and markets. Modern drugs & Clin. 2:1-6, 2011.
78.Xu, Z. Jia, L., Zhao, YQ. Constituents of ginseng and quality evaluation of ginseng products. Drug evaluation research 2011; 34(3),1-5.
79.Song M., Zhang, S., Xu, X., Hang, T., Jia, L. Simultaneous determination of three Panax notoginseng saponins by LC-MS/MS at sub-nanograms in dog plasma for pharmacokinetics of compound Danshen Tablets. J. Chromatogr. 878: 3331-7, 2010.
80.Rayburn, E., Wang, W., Li, M., Zhang, X., Xu, H., Li, H., Qin, JJ., Jia, L., Covey, J., Lee, M., Zhang, R. Preclinical pharmacology of novel indolecarboxamide ML-970, an investigative anticancer agent. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 69:1423-31; 2012.
81.Kummar, S., Chen, A., Ji, J., Zhang, Y., Reid, JM., Ames, M., Jia, L., Weil, M., Speranza, G., Murgo, A.J., Kinders, R., Wang, L., Parchment, R.E., Carter, J., Stotler, H., Rubinstein, L., Hollingshead, M., Melillo, G., Pommier, Y., Bonner, W., Tomaszewski, JE., Doroshow, JH. Phase I Study of PARP Inhibitor ABT-888 in Combination with Topotecan in Adults with Refractory Solid Tumors and Lymphomas. Cancer Res. 71:5626-34; 2011.
82.Meng, J., Yang, X.D., Jia.L., Liang, X.J., Wang, C. Impact of nanoparticles on cardiovascular diseases: modulating metabolism and function of endothelial cells. Curr. Drug Metab. 13: 1123-29; 2012. IF5.113
83.Jia, X., Jia, L*. Nanomaterials improve biological functions of photosensitizers used for photodynamic therapy. Curr. Drug Metab. 13: 1119-22, 2012. IF5.113
84.Xue, X., You, S., Zhang, Q., Wu, Y., Zou, GZ., Wang, PC., Zhao, YL., Xu, Y., Jia, L., Zhang, X., Liang, XJ. Mitaplatin increases sensitivity of tumor cells to cisplatin by inducing
mitochondrial dysfunction. Mol. Pharmaceutics 9:634−644 ;2012. IF4.782
85.Shao, J., Xue, JP., Dai, YC., Liu, H, Jia*, L, Chen, NS., Huang, JL. Inhibition of human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 by phthalocyanine photosensitizer Photocyin: ROS production, apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest. Eur. J. Cancer. 48: 2086-96; 2012. ISSN:0959-8049; IF5.536
86.Meng, J., Xing, J., Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Zhao, YL., Gao, X., Wang, P.C., Jia, L. Liang, XJ. Epigenetic modulation of human breast cancer by metallofullerene nanoparticles: in vitro analysis and in vivo treatment. Nanoscale. 3: 4713-19; 2011. IF5.914
87.Zhang, F., Xie, JP., Shao, JW., Jia*, L. Compilation of 222 Drugs’ Plasma Protein Binding Data and Guidance for Study Designs. Drug Discovery Today 17:475-495, 2012. IF6.828
88.Xu, Y., Jia, L. Nanoscaled Proteomic Analysis. 64-81, Chapter 4th In Nanopharmaceuticals Ed by Liang. World Scientific Publishing,Singapore. 2012.
89.Jia, L.* Lu, Y., Shao, J., Liang, XJ., Xu Y. Nanoproteomics: a new spin from emerging links between nanotechnology and proteomics. Trends Biotech.31:99-107, 2013. 一区 IF11.96
90.Shao, JW., Dai, Y., Zou, WT., Xue, JP., Ye, J., Jia*, L. Intracellular distribution and mechanisms of actions of photosensitizer Zinc (II)-phthalocyanine solubilized in Cremophor EL against human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Cancer Lett. 330:49-56,2013. 二区 IF5.621
91.Xie, JJ., Shao, JW., Lu, Y., Chen, JZ., Wang, J., Yu SH., Jia, L*. Separation of ginseng active ingredients and their roles in cancer metastasis supplementary therapy. Curr. Drug Metabo. 14:614-621;2013. 二区 IF4.8
92.Jiang, Z., Shao, J., Chen, M, Hu, Y., Wang, J., Jia*,L. A novel SPE-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of selected sulfonated phthalocyanine zinc complexes in mouse plasma following cassette dosing. Analyst 138: 4385 – 4392, 2013. 二区IF4.2
93.Jia*, L. Science Requires Coexisting of Opposite Opinions: “One Country, Two Systems” Pharmaceutical Reg. Affairs: Open Access ISSN:2167-7689; 1(4):1000e114;2012
94.Shao, J., Jia*, L. Potential serious interactions between nutraceutical ginseng and warfarin in patients with ischemic stroke. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 34(2):85-86, 2013. 一区IF11.54
95.Yin, J.J., Sharma, S., Shumyak, S.P., Wang, Z.X., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., Guo, P., Li, C.Z., Kanwar, J.R., Yang, T.X., Mohapatra, S.S., Liu, W., Duan, W., Wang, J., Li, Q., Zhang, X., Tan, J., Jia, L. Liang, J., Wei, M.Q., Li, X., Zhou, S.F. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Novel Cancer Treatment Based on Folic Acid Receptor-Targeted, β-Cyclodextrin-Based Drug Complexes for Cancer Treatment. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62289; 2013. 二区 IF4.8
96.Gao, Y. Xie, J., Chen, H., Gu, S., Zhao, R., Shao, J., Jia*, L. Nanotechnology-based intelligent drug design for cancer metastasis treatment. Biotech Adv. 32:761-777, 2014. 一区 IF9.6
97.Jiang, Z., Shao, J., Ting, Y., Wang, J., Jia*, L. Pharmaceutical development, composition and quantitative analysis of phthalocyanine as the photosensitizer for cancer photodynamic therapy. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 78:98-104; 2014. 三区 IF 2.829
98.Gao, Y., Shao, J., Jiang, Z., Chen, J., Gu, S., Yu, S., Zheng, K., Jia,*L. Drug enterohepatic circulation and disposition: constituents of systems pharmacokinetics. Drug Disc. Today 19:326-340,2014. 一区 IF6.89
99.Wang, J., Jiang, Z., Shao*, J., Ou, M., Li, Y., Lu, Y., Xiang, L., Lin, L., Dai, Y., Jia, L*, Synergism of ursolic acid derivative with 2-deoxy-D-glucose to preferentially induce tumor cell death by dual targeting of apoptosis and glycolysis. Sci. Reports 2014, 4:5006; DOI: 10.1038/srep05006 二区 IF5.578
100.Chen, JZ., Wang, JC., Shao, JW., Gao, Y., Xu, JG, Yu, SH., Liu, ZH., Jia, L*. The Unique Pharmacological Characteristics of Mifepristone: from Terminating Pregnancy to Preventing Cancer Metastasis. Med. Res. Rev. 34:979–1000, 2014. 一区 IF 9.583
101.Wang, J., Chen, J., Wan, L., Shao*, JW., Lu, Y., Zhu, Y., Ou, M., Yu, SH., Chen, HJ., Jia*, L. Synthesis, spectral characterization and pharmacological evaluation of metapristone, a novel cancer metastatic chemopreventive derived from mifepristone (RU486). AAPS J. 16:289-298, 2014. 二区 IF 4.905
102.Reid, JM., Buhrow, SA., Gilbert, JA., Jia, L., Shoji, M., Snyder, J., Ames. MM. Mouse pharmacokinetics and metabolism of the curcumin analog, 4-Piperidione,3,5-bis[(2-fluorophenyl)methylene]-acetate(3E,5E) (EF-24; NSC 716993) Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 73(6):1137-46, 2014. IF3
103.Chen, JZ., Wang, JC., Gao, Y., Zeng, R., Jiang, Z., Zhu, YW., Shao, JW., Jia*,L. A novel UPLC/MS/MS method for rapid determination of metapristone in rat plasma, a new cancer metastasis chemopreventive agent derived from mifepristone (RU486). J Pharm. Biomed. Anal, 95:158-63; 2014 三区 IF 2.829
104.Lu, Y., Yu, T., Liang, H., Wang, J., Xie, J., Shao*, J., Gao, Y., Yu, S., Chen, S., Wang, L., Jia,*L. Nitric oxide inhibits hetero-adhesion of cancer cells to endothelial cells: restraining circulating tumor cells from initial metastatic cascade. Scientific reports 2014; 4:4344. DOI: 10.1038/srep04344,2014二区 IF5.578
105.Chen, P., Zhang, X., Jia, L., Prud'homme, RK., Szekely, Z., Sinko, PJ. Optimal structural design of mannosylated nanocarriers for macrophage targeting. J. Controlled Release 2014; 194:341-34. IF7.705
106.XIE, JJ., ZHAO R., CHEN, HN., XIE, XD., JIA,* L. Specificity of Capturing and Restraining Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro by Multifunctional Nanomaterial Conjugates 科技导报2014, 32(34):26-32. doi 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.34.002
107.Xie, JJ, Zhao, R, Gu, S., Dong, H., Wang, J., Lu, Y., Sinko, PJ., Yu, T., Xie, FW., Wang, L., Shao*, J., Jia, L*The architecture and biological function of dual antibody-coated dendrimers: enhanced control of circulating tumor cells and their hetero-adhesion to endothelial cells for metastasis prevention. Theranostics 2014;4: 1250-63; 二区IF8.022
108.Xie, JJ., Lu, Y., Dong, HY., Zhao, RL., Chen, HN., Shen, WY., Sinko, PJ., Zhu, Y., Wang, JC., Shao, JW., Gao, Y., Xie, FW., Jia*, L. Enhanced specificity in capturing and restraining circulating tumour cells with dual antibody-dendrimer conjugates. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 1304–1313一区 IF11.805.
109.Yu, S., Yang, XT., Zhu, Y., Xie, FW., Lu, YS., Yu, T., Yan, CC., Shao, J., Gao, Y., Mo, F., Cai, GN., Sinko, PJ., Jia, L.* Systems biological pharmacology of mifepristone (RU486) reveals its 47 hub targets and network: comprehensive analysis and pharmacological focus on FAK-Src-Paxillin complex. Sci. Rep., 5: 7830, 2015 二区 IF5.578
110.Xie, J., Dong, HY., Chen, HN., Zhao, R., Sinko, JP., Shen, WY., Wang, JC., Lu, YS., Yang, XT., Xie, FW., Jia,* L. Exploring cancer metastasis prevention strategy: interrupting adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelia of potential metastatic tissues by antibody-coated nanomaterial J. Nanobiotechnology, 2015; 13:9,1-13. DOI 10.1186/s12951-015-0072-x 一区 IF4.115
111.Xie J, Wang, J., Chen H, Shen, WY., Sinko JP., Dong H., Zhao R., Lu Y., Zhu YW., Jia L*. Multivalent Conjugation of Antibody to Dendrimers for the Enhanced Capture and Regulation on Colon Cancer Cells. Sci. Reports 5: 9445, 2015;二区 IF5.578
112.Dong, HY., Yang, X., Xiang,L., Li, YF., Ou, M., Chi, T., Liu, ZH., Shao*, JW., Jia*, L. UP12, a novel ursolic acid derivative with potential for targeting multiple signaling pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2015; 93:151-162二区 IF 5.009.
113.Xu, J., Dong, H., Shen, W., He, S., Li, H., Lu, Y., Wu, Z.-S*., Jia, L*., New molecular beacon for p53 gene point mutation and significant potential in serving as the polymerization primer. Biosensors Bioelectronics 2015; 66:504-511. IF 6.451.
114.Jiang, Z., Yang, J., Pang, YQ., Yang, XT., Yu*, SH., Jia*, L. Bioactivity-guided fast screen and identification of cancer metastasis chemopreventive components from raw extracts of Murraya exotica J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 107C:341-45, 2015. 三区 IF 2.98
115.Gao*, Y., Li, ZR., Xie, XD., Wang, CQ.,You, J., Mo, F., Jin, B., Chen, JZ., Shao, JW., Chen, HJ., Jia*, L. Dendrimeric anticancer prodrugs for targeted delivery of ursolic acid to folate receptor-expressing cancer cells: synthesis and biological evaluation. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 70:55-63, 2015. IF3.01.
116.Lu, Y., Liang, HY., Yu, T., Xie, JJ., Chen, SM., Dong, HY., Sinko, PJ., Lian, S., Xu, JG., Wang, JC., Yu, SH., Shao, JW., Yuan, B., Wang, L., Jia,* L. Isolation and Characterization of Alive Circulating Tumor Cells by Immunomagnetic Negative Enrichment Coupled with Flow Cytometry. Cancer 121(17):3036-45, 2015. IF4.901.
117.Wan#, LY, Dong#, HY, Xu, H., Zhu, YW., Lu, Y., Ma, J., Wang, JC., Xie, JJ., Xu, B., Gao, Y., Shao, JW., Jia, L* Aspirin, lysine, mifepristone and doxycycline combined can effectively and safely prevent and treat cancer metastasis: prevent seeds from gemmating on soil. Oncotarget. priority publication; 6(34):35157-72;2015. IF6.63.
118.R.J. Zeng, Y. Li, J.Z. Chen*, G. X. Chou*, Y. Gao, J.W. Shao, L. Jia, and S.S. Wu, A novel UPLC-MS/MS method for sensitive quantitation of boldine in plasma, a potential anti-inflammatory agent: application to a pharmacokinetic study in rats. Biomed. Chromatogr. 29:459–464, 2015. (IF=1.95)
119.Xiang, LP., Chi, T., Tang, Q., Yang, X., Ou, M., Chen, X., Yu, XB., Chen, JZ., Shao*, JW., Jia, L. A pentacyclic triterpene natural product, ursolic acid and its prodrug US597 inhibit targets within cell adhesion pathway and prevent cancer metastasis. Oncotarget 2015, 6(11):9295-312. IF6.63.
120.Xie, J., Yu, G., Zhao, R., Sinko, P., Gu, S., Wang, J., Li, Y., Lu, Y., Yu, S., W, Lie., Chen, S., Shao, J., Jia,* L. Ex vivo and in vivo capture and deactivation of circulating tumor cells by dual-antibody-coated dendrimers. J. Control Release. 2015; 209:159-69.一区IF7.705.
121.Dong, HY., Wu* ZS, Xu, JG., Ma, J., Zhang, HJ., Wang, J., Shen, WY., Xie, JJ., Jia,*L Novel multifunction-integrated molecular beacon for the amplification detection of DNA
hybridization based on primer/template-free isothermal polymerization. Biosensors Bioelectronics 72:182-190, 2015. IF6.45
121.Xu JG., Wu* ZS., Shen, WY., Xu, H, Li, LH., Jia,* L. Cascade DNA nanomachine and exponential amplification biosensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 73:19-25, 2015. IF 6.451.
122. Gao§,Y., Gu§, S., Zhang, Y., Xie, XD., Yu, T., Lu, Y., Zhu, Y., Chen, WG., Zhang, H., Dong, HY., Sinko, PJ., Jia,* L. The architecture and function of monoclonal antibody-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with mifepristone: repurposing abortifacient for cancer metastatic chemoprevention. Small. 2016;12(19):2595-608 IF8.368.
123.Dong, HY#, Gao, Y#, Sinko, PJ., Wu, ZS., Xu, JG., Jia,*L. The nanotechnology race betweenChinaand theUnited States. Nano Today. 11:7-12; 2016. IF18
124.Gao Y., Jin B., Shen WY., Sinko PJ., Xie XD., Zhang, HJ., Jia* L. China and the United States- global partners, competitors and collaborators in nanotechnology development. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 12:13-19;2015. IF6.5
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125.Li, Y., Zeng, RJ., Chen*, JZ., Wu, BY., Chou, GX., Gao, Y., Shao, JW., Cai, HZ., Jia, L. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism study of isoboldine, a major bioactive component from Radix Linderae in male rats by UPLC-MS/MS. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2015, 171:154-60. IF3
126.Xu, JG., Qian, J., Li, H., Wu,* ZS., Shen, W., Jia,*L. Intelligent DNA machine for the ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of nucleic acids. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016,75:41-47. IF6.45
127.Xiao#, YY., Zhu#, YW., Yu#, SH., Ho, RJ., Yan, CC., Liu, J., L, T., Wang, J., Wan, LY., Yang, XT., Xu, H., Wang, JC., Jia,* L. Thirty-day rat toxicity study reveals reversible liver toxicity of mifepristone (RU486) and metapristone. Toxicol. Mech. & Methods 2016; 6: 36-45. IF2
128.Xu, JG., Li, HN., Wu ZS*., Qian, J., Xue, C. Jia* L. Double-stem Hairpin Probe and Ultrasensitive Colorimetric Detection of Cancer-related Nucleic Acids. 2016; 6(3): 318-327. Theranostics. IF8.85
129.Xie, XD., Li, FQ., Zhang, HJ., Lu, YS., Lian, S., Lin, H., Gao*, Y., Jia* L. EpCAM aptamer-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for efficient colon cancer cell-targeted drug delivery. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2016; 83:28-35. IF3.35二区
130.Dong, HY., Ma, J. Wang, J., Wu,* ZS., Sinko, PJ., Jia*, L. A biofunctional molecular beacon for detecting single base mutations in cancer cells. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2016 Apr 5;5:e302. doi: 10.1038/mtna.2016.18; IF6.4. 二区
131.Jiang#, Z., Pang# Y, Yu#, XB., Zhou, SX., Qian, J., Zheng, N., Dong, HY., Shi, Q., Jia* L. The paradigm-shifting idea and its practice: from traditional abortion Chinese medicine Murraya paniculata to safe and effective cancer metastatic chemopreventives. Oncotarget 2016; 7(16): 21699-712. Mar 5. IF5.2
132.Yu,#SH*, Yan#, CC, Yang#, XT., He, SD., Liu, J., Qin, CT., Huang, CZ., Lu, YS., Tian, ZQ., Jia,* L. Pharmacoproteomic analysis reveals that metapristone (RU486 metabolite) intervenes E-cadherin and vimentin for cancer metastasis chemoprevention. Sci. Rep. 6, 22388; 2016. doi:10.1038/srep22388. IF5.578
133.Wang, JC.#, Chen, JZ.#, Zhu, YW., Zheng, N., Liu, J., Xiao, YY., Lu, YS., Dong, HY., Xie,JJ., Shao, JW., Yu, SH., Jia,*L. In vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety evaluation of metapristone and mifepristone as cancer metastatic chemopreventive agents. Biomed Pharmacother. 78 (2016) 291–300. IF2
134.Dong HY.#, Wang#, J., Zhang, T., Ma, J., Han, LY., Tu, XH., Jia*L. Aptamers and their biological applications to bio-medicine and analytical diagnostics. Chin J Pharm Anal 2016; 36(3):369-376.
135.Xu, JG., Wu*, ZS., Wang, ZM., Li, HN., Le, JQ., Jia* L. Two-wheel drive-based DNA nanomachine and its sensing potential for highly sensitive analysis of cancer-related gene. Biomaterials. 2016; 100:110-117. IF8.557
136.Xu, JG., Wu, *ZS., Li, HN., Wang, ZM., Le, JQ., Zheng, TT., Jia,*L. Dual-cyclical nucleic acid strand-displacement polymerization based signal amplification system for highly sensitive determination of p53 gene. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016, 86: 1024–30 IF7.7
137.Li, HN. Xu, JG., Wang ZM., Wu, # ZS., Jia, *L. Increasingly branched rolling circle amplification for the cancer gene detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016; 86: 1067-73. IF7.7
138.Shao, JW., Zhou, SX., Jiang Z., Chi, T., Ma, J., Guo, ML., Lee, A., Jia,*L Warfarin and coumarin-like Murraya paniculata extract down-regulate EpCAM-mediated cell adhesion: individual components versus mixture for studying botanical metastatic chemopreventives
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140. Lian, S., Lu., YS., Cheng YL., Yu, T., Xie, XD., Liang, HY., Jia, *L. S-nitrosocaptopril interrupts cancer cell adhesion to endothelium by suppressing cell adhesion molecules via inhibition of the NF-кB signal pathway in endothelial cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2016; 791:62-71. IF2.53.
141. He, S., Yang, T., Yan, CC., Jiang* Z., Yu, SH., Zhou, SY., Jia*,L. Promising Compounds from Murraya Exotica for Cancer Metastasis Chemoprevention. Integr. Cancer Ther. 2017;16:556-562. doi: 10.1177/1534735416678981 IF1.7
142. Tang, Q., Liu, YJ., Li, T., Yang, X., Zheng, GR., Chen, HN., Jia, L., Shao* JW. A novel co-drug of aspirin and ursolic acid interrupts adhesion, invasion and migration of cancer cells to vascular endothelium via regulating EMT and EGFR-mediated signaling pathways: multiple targets for cancer metastasis prevention and treatment. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(45):73114-73129.
143. Xu, JG., Wu* ZS, Chen, YR., Zheng, TT., Le, JQ., Jia* L. Collapse of chain anadiplosis- structured DNA nanowires for highly sensitive colorimetric assay of nucleic acids. Analyst. 2017,142, 613-620 二区
144. Zhang, H., Wu, FQ., Li, YZ., Yang, XP., Huang, JM., Lu, TT., Zhang, YY., Chen*, JZ., Chen, HJ., Gao*, Y., Liu, G., Jia, L. Chitosan-based nanoparticles for improved anticancer efficacy and bioavailability of mifepristone. Beilstein J. Nanotech. 2016, 7:1861-1870. IF2.778; 二区
145. Dong, HY., Ma, J., Li, T., Xiao, YY., Zheng, N., Liu, J., Gao, Y., Shao, JW., Jia* L Global deregulation of ginseng products may be a safety hazard to warfarin takers: solid evidence of ginseng-warfarin interaction Sci. Rep. 2017 Jul 19; 7(1):5813. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05825-9 IF4.1
146. Jiang, Z#, Qian, J#, Dong, H#, Yang, J., Yu, X., Chen, JZ., Chen, HN., Shi, Q., Jia*, L. The traditional Chinese medicine Achyranthes bidentata and our de novo conception of its metastatic chemoprevention: from phytochemistry to pharmacology. Sci Rep. 2017, 7(1):3888. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02054-y IF4.1
147. Xu, J., Wu,*ZS., Wang, ZM., Le, JQ., Zheng, TT., Jia,*L. Autonomous assembly of ordered metastable DNA nanoarchitecture and in situ visualizing of intracellular microRNAs. Biomaterials. 2017; 120:57-65. IF8.5
148. Lu, YS., Lian, Yu1, Cheng1, Liang1, Xie, JJ, Zhu, Y, Xu, H, Xie, XD, Yu, SH, Gao, Y, Jia,*L. Multifunctional nitric oxide prevents metastatic cascade spark by interrupting platelets-circulating tumor cell interplay. Eur. J. Cancer (under review) 2017
149. Chen, WG., Xiao, YY., Chen, JZ., Liu, J., Shao, JW., Li, T., Zhu, YW., Ma, J. Gao, Y., Wang JC., Xu, JG., Lu, YS., Yu, SH., Jia* L. Sex-related pharmacokinetic differences and mechanisms of metapristone (RU486 metabolite). Sci. Reports 2017; 7(1):17190. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17225-0. IF5
150. Xu, H., Xue, C., Zhang, RB., Chen, YR., Li, F., Jia, L., Wu, ZS. Exponential rolling circle amplification and its sensing application for highly sensitive DNA detection of tumor suppressor gene. Sensors and Actuators B 2017; 243: 1240–1247 IF5.401一区,Top期刊
151. Xu H., Wu, D., Zhang YF., Shi, H., Ouyang, C., Li, F., Jia, L., Yu, SH., Wu*, ZS. RCA-enhanced multifunctional molecule beacon-based strand-displacement amplification for sensitive microRNA detection Sensors & Actuators: B 2018; 258: 470-77. IF5.401一区,Top期刊
152. Wu, J., Yu, X., Liu, J., Lin, Y., Gao, Y., Jia, L., Chen* HJ. Synthesis of metapristone through an efficient N-demethylation of mifepristone. RSC Adv., 2016; 6, 7195-7197
153. Li, FQ, Mei, H, Xie, XD., Zhang, HJ., Liu,J., Lv, TT., Nie, HF., Gao*, Y., Jia,*L. Aptamer- Conjugated Chitosan-Anchored Liposomal Complexes for Targeted Delivery of Erlotinib to EGFR-Mutated Lung Cancer Cells. AAPS J., 19(3):814-826, 2017. IF4.385
154. Dong, HY., Han, L., Wu, ZS., Zhang, T., Xie, JJ., Ma, J., Wang, J. Li, T., Gao, Y., Shao, JW., Sinko, P., Jia*,L Biostable aptamer rings conjugated to target two biomarkers on circulating tumor cells in vivo with great precision. Chem. Mater. 2017, 29:10312–10325. IF9.890 一区
155. Xu, J, Wu, ZS.*, Shen, WY., Le, JQ., Zheng, TT., Li, H., Jia,*L. Programmable nanoassembly consisting of two hairpin-DNAs for p53 gene determination. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2017; 94: 626–631. IF8.173 一区
156. Gao, Y., Xie, XD., Li, FQ., Lu, YS., Li, T., Lian, S., Zhang, YY., Zhang, H., Mei, H., Jia*L The novel nanomissile targeting two biomarkers and accurately bombing CTCs with doxorubicin. Nanoscale 2017; 9:5624-5640 一区 IF7.367
157. Zheng N., Chen, JH., Liu, WQ., Wang, JC., Liu, J., Jia,*L. Metapristone (RU486 derivative) inhibits cell proliferation and migration as melanoma metastatic chemopreventive agent. Biomed. & Pharmacother. 90 (2017) 339–349
158. Zheng N, Chen J, Li T, Liu W, Liu J, Chen H, Wang J, Jia*L. Abortifacient metapristone (RU486 derivative) interrupts CXCL12/CXCR4 axis for ovarian metastatic chemoprevention. Mol Carcinog. 2017 56(8):1896-1908. IF3.851二区
159. Zheng, N., Chen, JH., Liu, WQ., Wang, JC., Liu, J., Jia,*L Ovarian Cancer Cell Metastasis Is Inhibited by Mifepristone through Intervening in the SDF-1/CXCR4 Chemokine Axis. Oncotarget 2017; 8(35):59123-59135 IF5.168
160. Jiang, K., Chi, T., Li, T., Zheng, G., Fan, L., Liu, YJ., Chen, XF., Chen, XJ., Jia, L., Shao*, JW., A smart pH-responsive nano-carrier as a drug delivery system for targeted delivery of ursolic acid: suppresses cancer growth and metastasis by modulating P53/MMP-9/PTEN/CD44 mediated multiple signaling pathways. Nanoscale 2017; 9(27):9428-9439. IF7.367
161. Zheng#, GR., Shen#, ZC., Chen, HN., Liu, J., Jiang, K., Fan, L., Jia, L., Shao*JW. Metapristone suppresses non-small cell lung cancer proliferation and metastasis via modulating RAS/RAF/MEK/MAPK signaling pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 90 (2017) 437–445 IF2.5
162. Shao#, JW., Zheng#, GR., Chen, HN., Liu, J., Li, T. Lu, Y., Xu, JG., Zheng, N., Jia*L. Metapristone (RU486 metabolite) suppresses NSCLC by targeting EGFR-mediated PI3K/AKT pathway. Oncotarget. 2017; 8(45): 78351-78364 IF5.168
163. Xu, H., Wan, L., Xu, JG., Liu, J., Zheng, N., Wu, ZS., Jia,*L HAMPT, a novel quadruple drug combination designed for cancer metastatic chemoprevention: from hypothesis to proof-of-concept. Curr. Cancer Drug Target (in press), 2018
164. Xu, JG., Zheng, TT., Le, JQ., Jia*,L Long-stem shaped multifunctional molecular beacon for highly sensitive nucleic acids determination via intramolecular and intermolecular interactions based strand displacement amplification Analyst, 2017, 142, 4438-45. IF3.864 二区
165. Li, FQ., Mei, H., Gao*,Y., Xie, XD., Nie, HF., Li, T., Zhang, HJ., Jia*L. Co-delivery of oxygen and erlotinib by aptamer-modified liposomal complexes to reverse hypoxia-induced drug resistance in lung cancer. Biomaterials. 2017;145:56-71. IF8.5一区
166. Shi, Q,Jiang,Z., Yang,JY., Cheng,YL., Pang,YQ., Zheng,N., Chen,JH., Chen,WG., Jia*L. A Flavonoid Glycoside Compound from Murraya paniculata (L.) Interrupts Metastatic Characteristics of A549 Cells by Regulating STAT3/NF-κB/COX-2 and EGFR Signaling Pathways. AAPS J. 2017; 19(6):1779-1790 IF4.4 二区
167. Xu, JG., Zheng, TT., Le, JQ., Jia,*L. Stepwise nanoassembly of a single hairpin probe and its Biosensing. Talanta 187 (2018) 272–278. IF4.244 二区
168. Chen, WG., Xiao, YY., Cheng, YL., Chen JZ., Chen, JH., Jiang K., Zhou YY., Jia,*L Pharmacokinetic differences of mifepristone between sexes in animals. J Pharm Biomed. Anal. 2018; 154, 108–115. IF3.255 二区
169. Dong, HY, Han, LY., Wang, J., Xie, JJ., Gao, Y., Xie, FW, Jia,*L, In vivo inhibition of circulating tumor cells by two apoptosis-promoting circular aptamers with enhanced specificity. J. Control Release 2018; 280: 99-112. IF7.786 一区
170. Wang, J., Dong, HY., Han, LY., Zhang, T., Lin, M., Wang, JH., Xu, H., Wu, ZS., Jia*L. Immunomagnetic antibody plus aptamer pseudo-DNA nanocatenane followed by rolling circle amplication for highly-sensitive CTC detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2018; 122: 239-46. IF8.173 一区 doi:10.1016/j.bios.2018.09.025
171. Zheng, TT., Gao, Y., Deng, XX., Liu, HB., Liu, J., Liu, R., Li, YL., Jia*L Differences and similarities between graphene oxide and graphdiyne oxide in physicochemistry biology and cytotoxicity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018 SCI一区Top, IF8.097. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b06804. (ACS Editors’ choice article)
172. Xie X, Zhang Y, Li F, Lv T, Li Z, Chen H, Jia*L, Gao*Y. Challenges and opportunities from basic cancer biology for nanomedicine for targeted drug delivery. Curr. Cancer Drug Targets. 2018. DOI : 10.2174/1568009618666180628160211 IF2.626 医学2区
173. Gao, Y., Zhang, HJ, Zhang, YY, Lv, TT, Zhang, L., Li, ZY, Xie, XD., Li, FQ., Chen, HJ., Jia,*L Erlotinib-guided CuAAC self-assembled trifunctional nanotheranostics for distinguishing/treating molecular mutation subtypes of NSCLC. Mol. Therapy. 2018 (after revision)
174. Cheng, YL, Lu, YS, Zhang, DD., Lian, S., Liang, HY, Ye, YY., Xie, RZ., Li, SH., Chen, Jh., Xue, Xie, JJ., Jia,*L Metastatic cancer cells compensate for low energy supplies in hostile microenvironments with bioenergetic adaptation and metabolic reprogramming. International J. Oncology IF2.69
175. Zhou, YY., Lin, M., Wang, J., Chen, F., Wang, CH., Chen, JM., Shao, JW., Jia,*L. A Novel S-Nitrosocaptopril Monohydrate for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: H2O and –SNO Intermolecular Stabilization Chemistry. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2018;129: 107-15. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.09.020二区, IF6.02 (accepted as it was submitted)
176. Huo Xu; Yafeng Zhang; Shuxin Zhang; Changhe Ouyang; Feng Li; Suhong Yu; Zhifa Shen; Lee Jia; Wu, ZS. Autonomous table-tennis-motion-type DNA machine for the efficient amplification detection of cancer related gene. Analytica Chimica Acta
177. Jiang, Z., Ye, J., Yang, J., Wang,*J., Jia,*L., Ho, RJY. Conjugation of phthalocyanine photosensitizer with poly(amidoamine) dendrimer: improved solubility, disaggregation and photoactivity against HepG2 cells. DOI : 10.2174/1568009618666180706164046
178. Zheng, N., Liu, WQ, Chen, JH, Li, BF., Liu, J., Shi, Q., Wang, JC., Gao, Yu., Shao, JW., Jia,*L. CXCR7 is not obligatory for CXCL12-CXCR4-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human ovarian cancer. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2018; DOI: 10.1002/mc.22916